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Welcome to Eenders & Anders– your window on the Low Countries (the Netherlands and Belgium), which also affords you a peek at Europe.


The learner guides are aimed at learners doing Afrikaans as Home Language. They contain interesting and contemporary reading matter and lots of excellent illustrations.


Doing the Eenders & Anders Afrikaans series means that teachers will join their learners on an exciting, fun journey to the Low Countries!

Eenders & Anders fulfils all the requirements of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) – and as such can be used to enrich language teaching as an adjunct to one of the chapters in your language textbook. The lesson package for each grade consists of a learner guide, teacher guide and this website.

The aim is to give you a peek at the literature, language and culture of the Netherlands and Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium). We invite you to join us on an exciting and adventurous journey to the Low Countries. Enjoy!

Initially you might find it a difficult to understand the Dutch texts, but you will soon get used to it and by the end of the lesson package you might even try to speak a little Dutch. By then you would already have tried to make you own discoveries in the wonderful material available in Dutch on the internet. The people of the Low Countries are technologically advanced, so there are exciting videos, apps, sound bites and games to discover.

The texts in the lesson package are either in Afrikaans or Dutch. Try to track in which ways the two languages are similar (Eenders) and how they differ (Anders). The questions and assignments will, however, be in Afrikaans and your answers can also be in Afrikaans.

Learning a new language is not for fossils and nerds! With your new skill and knowledge  you will suddenly understand what the origins of many Afrikaans words and expressions are and how Afrikaans developed primarily from Dutch. This is an exciting journey of discovery!

We hope that you won’t just spend two weeks being transported away from your normal school day, but will fall in love with the Low Countries. Who knows – one day you might even travel to these two countries and experience the wonderful opportunities offered by the Dutch language for yourself.

So, welcome to the Low Countries and enjoy your journey!


The lesson package is designed for grades 6 to 11, with a different learner guide for each grade.

Each learner guide:

  • covers all CAPS requirements
  • can replace a two-week cycle in the school year programme
  • introduces learners to the Dutch and Flemish cultures
  • is based on authentic Dutch and Flemish texts
  • is enriched by appropriate photos of the Netherlands, Belgium and South Africa
  • can be used to enrich and reinforce lessons
  • contains extra reading matter for teachers
  • serves as a bridging device between printed textbooks and e-learning
  • connects to a website and blog

You will enhance your visual literacy, and the language content, activities and other exercises will enrich your world and sharpen your Afrikaans language skills. In addition to all of this, you will be exposed to the Dutch language as an extra bonus!

The short texts, illustrations, poems, comics, fact boxes and activities, as well as fun readings, will expose you to listening, speaking, reading, looking and writing – and hone your skills. Take up the challenge to use Afrikaans and Dutch language structures playfully and creatively!

Examples from various grade learner books


The teacher guide follows CAPS to the letter and the contents will spur teachers to renewed enthusiasm for teaching by providing support for this task by:

  • focusing on communicative and text-based approaches that allow functional and creative learning in the classroom
  • offering appropriate CAPS-prescribed, contemporary themed content and context in a wide variety of text formats – all integrated with the syllabus to foster spontaneous learning
  • offering a useful teaching, learning and assessment plan for every module, as well as guidelines for lesson planning and daily assessment
  • offering extra content for teachers with an encompassing formal assessment programme for each grade as well as various methods and instruments for daily assessments
  • linking language skills and processes to each activity in order to make planning and report writing easier
  • providing a complete results key for every module, as well as guidelines, tips and procedures for learner activities
  • providing a website where teachers can communicate with each other – as well as with colleagues in the Netherlands – and where learners can work interactively.

The orders for learner books and teacher guides are placed with Aristata Books, the publishing partner of SASNEV, which handles the orders for SASNEV.